
2023-05-18 23:00:13

语音版背景音乐:《来自远方》 吴蛮

Background Music: From A Distance   By Wu Man




时间:2018年3月28日 周三  17:30-19:00




Topic: Wu Man's World of Music

Lecturer: Ms. Wu Man

Time:17:30-19:00  2018.03.28  Wed.

Venue: Governing Board Meeting Room, Dao Yuan Building

Language: Chinese (Simultaneous interpreting service will be provided)




Ms. Wu and Hua Yin Shadow Puppetry Troupe performing

“Wu Man’s World of Music” was taken as the theme of the 7th Meeting the Intellectuals in the Spring Hills at the earliest preparation stage. The theme was once questioned because a folk artist could have a more artistic title. But after some research on her thoughts on career and ideas on music, it is just a perfect name to describe her vast world.

Because of the desire to see the world, she started from scratch after she moved to the U.S, leaving her established reputation behind in China. She attracted many fans with her music, including traditional Pipa to newly composed pieces. She was so enthusiastic about music that she made breakthroughs for traditional music, cooperated with musicians from different countries and made something new. Wu Man toured 12 cities in the United States with the Hua Yin Shadow Puppetry Troupe and they experienced great success. Wu Man is a pioneering artist who has truly pushed traditional Chinese art to the world stage.

吴蛮说:“ 我以前是演奏家,因为我的注意力集中在怎么演奏一件乐器上。现在,我考虑的是怎么用音乐去表达,怎么用音乐跟观众交流,我追求的是文人的东西,希望有深刻一点的音乐出来。”



Ms. Wu and Yo-Yo Ma performing at the White House

Ms. Wu said, “I was a performer of instruments which used to be my only focus. But now I am considering how to express with music and use it to communicate with the audience. I am looking for the true art, so I hope I can create something profound.”

At the beginning of the 1990s, Ms. Wu was reported in the newspapers about her outfit for her performances in Los Angeles.  However, the reporters did not know how to describe her music because Chinese instruments and culture were still new to them. Ms. Wu continued to develop modern music by the Pipa, and successfully bring the music of the East and the West together.



People have wondered how many years Ms. Wu took to bring Pipa to the world, her answer was 12, 12 years for the world to know her name, and more importantly, to understand Chinese traditional music starting from Pipa. But she took many more roads to become a musician instead of simply a performer.

In her world of music, she is smart and creative. She understands her position and knows all about the features of Chinese traditional music. In this world, she sees people, gets to know music, and understands the culture and herself. She will be at the 7th Meeting the Intellectuals in the Spring Hills lecture, hope you can join us to experience Wu Man’s world of music.


Lecturer丨Ms. Wu Man

吴蛮出生于杭州,是中央音乐学院第一位琵琶演奏硕士,先后师从林石城、刘德海、。1989年,获得中国民乐器演奏比赛琵琶冠军。吴蛮曾获“哈佛大学研究学者奖”、“美国艺术家”大奖和加拿大“格伦・古尔德新人奖”(Glenn Gould Prize)”,以表彰她对音乐与文化交流的开创性贡献。1998年,她曾应美国前总统克林顿夫妇之邀在白宫演出,成为有史以来第一位受邀的中国音乐家。



Born in Hangzhou, Wu Man studied with Lin Shicheng, Kuang Yuzhong, Chen Zemin, and Liu Dehai at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, where she was the first recipient of a master's degree in pipa. She was awarded The Bunting Fellowship at Harvard University, The United States Artist Fellowship and the Glenn Gould Prize from Canada. In 1998, she became the first Chinese artist to perform at the White House.

Recognized as the world’s premier pipa virtuoso and ambassador of Chinese music, she is now a leading interpreter of contemporary pipa music by today’s most prominent composers.

She has fruitful collaborations including Kronos Quartet in 1990, Tan Dun’s Ghost Opera at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in 1995, and most importantly Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Project. Wu Man has performed throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia with the Silk Road Ensemble (SRE). She has recorded six albums with the group. She is a featured artist in the documentary The Music Of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and The Silk Road Ensemble. During the 2016-17 season, Wu Man contributes to numerous world premiere performances and she also reprises her projects “Wu Man and Friends” and “Borderlands” in Singapore, Beijing, and Calgary and tours Europe.

Through numerous concert tours, Wu Man has premiered hundreds of new works for the pipa, while spearheading multimedia projects to both preserve and create awareness of China’s ancient musical traditions. Her adventurous spirit and virtuosity have led to collaborations across artistic disciplines allowing Wu Man to reach wider audiences as she works to break through cultural and musical borders. Wu Man’s efforts were recognized when she was named Musical America’s 2013 Instrumentalist of the Year, marking the first time this prestigious award has been bestowed on a player of a non-Western instrument. In 2017, Wu Man's album “Sing Me Home” won the Grammy Award for Best World Music Album and was nominated for 7 times. On December 3, 2017, Wu Han was renowned by Modern Media Group the tenth “National Spirit Achiever”.


Registration entrance for teachers and students


Please scan the QR code to sign up and show your campus card to enter the lecture.


Registration entrance for others outside the university


Please scan the QR code to sign up and show your electronic ticket to enter the lecture.


*The lecture would be given in Chinese with English interpretation. Please take your ID to lend the headset.



“Chun Shan Ya Ju” or “Meeting Intellectuals in the Spring Hills”, is one of the University's lecture series where the University will invite social elites in such fields as culture and arts to share with our students in form of salon or lecture to promote a discussion of thought-provoking issues or soul-searching experiences. During the lectures, everyone will have a chance to listen and respond to their worldviews, their aspirations, and intellectual taste in life.

文案及美编丨Sissi Cai (UPCO)

翻译丨李治 2016级人文社科学院研究生

校对丨Brigitta You (UPCO)

海报设计丨张咏琪 2016级理工学院学生

音频剪辑及录制丨Sissi Cai (UPCO)



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